The ACA helped a lot of people get health insurance, but why should anyone have to shop for health insurance from a Parasite Private For Profit Health Insurance Company in the first place? No other country in the world has a healthcare system like this. The Democratic Party does not seem to want to move beyond the ACA.

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By the time you reach 50, you ARE a pre-existing condition.

Great article.

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You are correct Jeffrey. However, the only reason is because of the premium subsidies, which were enhanced during Covid and reaffirmed under the inappropriately name Inflation Reduction Act. the current enhancement is set to expire December 31, 2025. It's also why the ACA has popularity north of 50%. Who doesn't like free stuff!

That being said, the ACA is an abomination! Congress only needed to create a law that contained 2 items; 1.) require health insurers to offer coverage on a guarantee issue basis (no pre-existing medical condition limitations or coverage denials), and 2.) create a central portal to determine how much of a premium subsidy an individual/family would qualify for. That system would issue a voucher that could be presented to the chosen insurer during enrollment. BUT NOOOO. The Dems decided to recreate health insurance with a heavy hand on regulation. Literally passing a shell of a bill and then handing it to HHS where unelected bureaucrats filled in the blanks. So when BHO said that American families would save $2,500 annually in premium, families are now paying far more than $2,500 more annually since ACA passage. Whenever the government touches something (regulation) the price of the service and item increases. This is a fact, not a myth. I challenge anyone to cite an example when the price of a service or item has gone down once the government regulates it.

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Not true. My daughter and her family had good health insurance they could afford before Obamacare. And her and everyone else in her age group mid to late 40s they have had to go to the Christian health insurance companies, medishare, or go without. Almost every insurer Here does not participate in the ACA anymore and I think it's the same all over the country. Even my youngest brother who is on Medicare plus extra help so basically welfare cannot afford to get healthcare. I believe he only gets $800 a month and lives in my brothers house because he can't afford to pay rent.

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