I am so hopeful. We progressives and those working on a Single Payer/Improved Medicare 4 All health care system are used to the door being shut in our faces. The door has now been left ajar. Time to wake up David to slay Goliath.

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As one pundit put it: "The GOP wants 10-year-olds to have kids. Walz wants them to have lunch." We have a pretty starkly delineated choice in November.

I am also glad to read about Walz's efforts toward single-payer. That seems like a fantasy at this point, after so many years of opposition to it, directly fueled by a system that has locked in greedy, for-profit medical care providers and insurers. But if we ALL VOTE to make universal healthcare a reality -- well, miracles can happen. Let's put people over profits!

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Seems like a good first step but I would really like to hear these candidates (or most any pol) views on the ACO reach medicare program that puts traditional medicare seniors into a "medicare" advantage plan without permission. Would also like to hear views on private health insurance companies over charging medicare (tax payers) to the tune of $140 billion per year. What is being done about this in a meaningful way? No slaps on the wrists please. I am hopeful with Harris and Walz though....

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Harris-Walz are determined to put the health of our most vulnerable citizens ahead of profits! 27 years of for-profit/publicly traded plans taking their Medicare and Medicaid related earnings to the bank and filling the coffers of the shareholders at the expense of the patients should be over.

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Thank you for your insight

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Please vote for Harris/Walz and stop corporate health insurance welfare. The unbelievable profits must go to health providers and communities.

Private for profit health insurance companies will not care for the health of our aging population.

Medicare policy was created in 1960’s because private for profit health insurance dropped seniors as they aged.

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we eradicate diabetes...

eradicate the sugar lobby...

eradicate...diseases ?

suppose school lunches...

contain no pizza...

cola... processed foods...

preservatives... lactose...

added sugar.... aspartame...

.dextrose... genetically or synthetically modified organisms... ... cheap oils,,,

stearates... palmitates....

metals... meat... ...meat byproducts... plastics...

suppose...whole foods from the earth... locally grown...


we encourage tim to... ameliorate his impending... early dementia...👎 corn dogs!

suppose. no factory farms.


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Tell me how having the government control (one payor) our healthcare is a good idea? Government can'tl or won't control cost currently. I believe in an overhaul but I don't trust the government to do it.

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