It's vital that coverage for HIV-related medications be mandatory for all insurers. As soon as SCOTUS reverses that mandate (or, hopefully, does not!), any insurer without such barriers will attract the majority of such patients and have to charge a higher premium, thus becoming less market-competitive. Another race to the bottom that would be prevented with a single national health insurance plan used by all Americans, without this perverse competition.

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Disappointing is too mild a word for the state we're in now. After all the strides made in HIV research, now medication to prevent it is at serious risk.

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Crazy! Such great christians.

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Note that the over-the-counter cost of Descovy (emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide), an anti-viral medication pictured in this article, in the U.S. is $2,329 for a supply of 30 tablets ; the same medication, though with a slightly higher dosage, costs €155.42 (equals $162). So, the cost in France is 7 percent what is paid in the U.S.

See something wrong here?

See also my post: "The extreme price of prescription drugs in America" https://leavingamerica.substack.com/p/the-obscene-price-of-prescription?r=1u1uw5

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"Christian" owned companies claiming PReP violates their religious beliefs - as though a married heterosexual couple couldn't have one partner who is HIV positive and one who isn't... What religious belief are they protecting there?

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If religious people don’t approve of it then they simply shouldn’t use it. Why insist on speaking for everyone else?

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Yes Insurers could help prevent suffering, where's the money that?

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With the majority SCOTUS being fundamentally Christian (as opposed to Fundamentalist Christian, but on this I'm splitting hairs), what would Las Vegas odds be on the outcome of this case? Is it really a question?

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I was a hospice nurse in the 90s and witness to the devastation of AIDS. It was heart-wrenching, I cried over so many of my patients who were suffering. I gave so many hugs to men that other health care workers didn't want to touch because of fear they'd contract HIV (it was an ignorant time). I dread seeing this again. Do insurance companies take into account the medical costs of someone with full-blown AIDS? It is devastating in every way.

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