When will the US ever have a decent healthcare system that does not include these Greedy Parasite Private For Profit Health Insurance Companies. No other country on earth has a healthcare system like the US has.

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May those involved in greed experience hell in their lives. Greed is a deadly sin. No remorse for you.

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Bernie was correct! The only way to get all Americans insured is to eliminate the profit in healthcare.

We need a Medicare for all with no deductibles or out of pocket expenses, period.

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Thanks for enlightening me on Cigna’s PBM dominance. Other article links on this — and for all insurance companies?

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Medicare has a prescription drug plan? Not that I know of. Maybe Medicare Advantage does but that's not Medicare, it's private insurance.

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Surely you’ve heard of Part D. That’s available on the exchange and was a gift to Pharma from G.W. Bush.

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Yep! Their donut hole has made them billions of dollars.

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So, there will be no donut hole for seniors next year. Yeah, but I expect the insurers to raise the deductible to $2000.00

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