At some point in time, before the country awakens, there will be a death of the Insurance Industry. As was the case of the death of physicians who charges so much that they were replaced by insurance companies who promised to control their pricing. Someday the USA will have a grand healthcare system, paid via our taxes, and distributed fairly like so much of the world's industrialized nations.

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I admire your optimism

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I'm just old enough that, over the years, I have listened to this story so that I now feel like I'm looking into a crystal ball. I worked in IT for a large medical practice. After I retired, the practice joined a hospital, and that group then joined with a conglomerate of hospitals that were later bought up by an insurance company. Maybe there is no crystal ball, just a lot of time watching and listening. It is all heading in one direction.

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I think the Health Insurance Companies know that the people will soon figure out that we are being ripped off and that the Health Insurance companies are not really needed. I hope it happens during my lifetime, but I don’t think it will.

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Of course part 3 is corporate welfare and Medicare dollars must go to providers of care and communities.

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I have been an independent insurance agent since 2006. This August will mark 50 years in the insurance industry. I have only sold 3 Medicare Advantage plans and doctors I speak to hate them The prior authorizations are abusive! We need a strategy to make this an election issue about the future solvency of Medicare

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Kindly asking “in your long career do you inform your customers that private for profit health insurance companies are not Medicare”?

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I tried to talk my sister into not going with Medicare Advantage. She just did not understand it or even care to understand it. I think she is like most people.

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Medicare Advantage is Republican healthcare and millions of people want more of it because they are in love with the snake oil salesman and crook Trump.....

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The current Medicare (dis)Advantage model is unaffordable for the long term for both patients and the over-inflated costs paid to private health insurance companies from the Medicare Trust Fund. There needs to be a serious move away from the current profiteering model to a Single Payer system with tightly controlled costs. The Medical Sector is the only business sector to profit in double digits or more annually. American Healthcare is the world's MOST expensive, but it is certainly NOT the best care available, unless one is independently wealthy and cost is not an issue As an US Citizen, I'm embarrassed at how poor is the business of healthcare in this country that supports private insurance companies to (theoretically) compete with Traditional Medicare. We know it cannot compete with Traditional Medicare. Exploiting patients whilst denying care, delaying care, and increasing costs yearly for more inefficient administration and obscene compensation to private insurance company executives is unsustainable. It's a travesty, and no one appears to give a damn about Patient Rights and the dignity of Senior Citizens' retired lives. Enough is enough.

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We are waiting for our government to act. Politicians are more a tune to the lobbyists than to their constituents. Waiting is not working. I feel my representatives are unreachable.

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Sadly, we will continue to wait on our politicians to actually start legislating controls over the entire Medicare Advantage debacle. The level of corruption amongst politicians at the national level is hardly benefiting constituents where these politicians work and theoretically reside.

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