The equivalent of the farm bureau in the agrabusiness sector. Having the influence to dictate state university policy.

We the People suck.

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The ACA is a Heritage Foundation creation. It is responsible for cementing the parasitical for-profit Insurers into the US Healthcare landscape. It is neither affordable nor able to insure actual care is delivered to Americans as a result.

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Obama was a neo-liberal. What did we expect......hope and change? LOL.

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Wow! The ACA was enacted in March 2010, but the bill was passed at midnight Xmas eve 2009, surreptitiously, with no one reading the gargantuan bill.

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Anything but the demand of #ByDefinition #UniversalHealthcare is either a conflict of interest with an unannounced or gender or complete policy ignorance. Neither party offers a legitimate healthcare policy. Always demand best policy practice. Otherwise you’re just a tool.

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Are you referring to the complete dog and pony show your relevance concerning the 10 drugs negotiated down in price to the total of $100 billion? Is that what you mean by the Medicare negotiation?

Allow me to purvey a better, far more clear perspective.

Given we spend $17 trillion public and private expenses on an annual basis in the healthcare sector, it is the equivalent of changing your $47 bill to $46.99. You’re welcome to do the math yourself.

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Chamber of commerce? More like chamber of corporate corruption!

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The Chamber of Horrors is a more apropos appellation!

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