How many more years is the US going to stay with this backwards disorganized Private For Profit Healthcare System? No other country in the world has a healthcare system like the US has. Actually the US doesn’t have a healthcare system. It is really a disorganized mess. There are so many ways that someone can be financially wiped out with medical bills. Kamala Harris is proposing some good things, but she basically just patching up a broken system. We really need a Single Payer Healthcare System with no role for these Parasite Private For Profit Health Insurance Companies.

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What big pharma & health insurance companies put Americans through is obscene. I am hoping that Madame President will fiercely take them on.

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I see so few comments on the subject of our chaotic nightmare aka: US healthcare and I don't get why that is! Over 500,000 Americans file medical bankruptcies EVERY YEAR--even with the ACA.

Why are so few of us even talking about this crisis?

Even under Biden, though it started with Dumpty, arguably Geo W Bush, traditional Medicare funds are being stolen away by Medicare (DIS)Advantage plans. MORE greedy private Healthcare insurance. As if the 20% politicians--mostly Reichwing, drilled into LBJ's precious program wasn't bad enough already!!

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Hi Rachel, it’s Rob Stone MD from PNHP. Congratulations on your new position. Do you recall a year or more ago we tried to connect to have you on our monthly Indiana radio show Prescription for Healthcare? I’m hoping we could try to make that happen again for our September show. I will try to email you

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Agree with all you said. Presumably the federal government would pay for the “caps.” What programs or personnel would you be willing to cut from the current federal budget to pay for this? Or, what tax would you implement to pay for this? The trick is it cannot be a tax increase that is already committed to other promises politicians have made. The devil is always in the details. We have insurance through my husbands small employer and pay $25k out of pocket for our family of four with a $7000 out of network deductible for my mental health coverage—we never meet that. Nothing you proposed would lower our premiums. What will Dems do to lower the COST of health care other than subsidize everyone?

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No no no

You, me, taxpayers, employers, people, politicians and government are subsidizing Big insurance. A large percentage is called corporate welfare and the profits are in the Billions every quarter.

These profits can go to actual health providers and communities. There may even be money leftover.

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I get that. But this has been our system—predominantly employer based insurance—since the 50s with heavy corporatization starting in late 90s. Cadillac tax under the ACA would have taxed excess benefits of large employers and unions, but Congress on bipartisan basis got rid of it. HOW do you think the system can be changed? It has to be incrementally . . . But Congress is not budging other than subsidizing the insurers.

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You sound like a democrat but the Democratic party platform is flawed and what you are saying about people dying without Insulin is not true and not necessary. People don't need to be dependent on Insulin they could stop eating oil mayo dairy eggs cheese chicken immediately and instead eat low fat plantbased whole plants: green vegetables starchy root vegetables legumes whole organic intact grains fruits seeds, eat and drink plants with fiber that make blood sugar normal. Here is a guide: nutritionfacts.org/daily-dozen

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You left out an important group of uninsured. Those who get too sick to work and lose their job and their employer provided insurance when they need it the most.

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... Let's stop treating chronic illness after appears ...

let's abandon bandage med

let's abandon processed food and the sugar kings...

Let's encourage lifestyle changes that put an end

to chronic illness

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...ahemmm I was saying:

obesity is epidemic...

diabetes can be cured

not heresy☝️

think of the money, lives, environment we would save

And I would not have $48,000 medical debt

If we chose to cure

from the Earth

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... western medicine's template play book :

toss a 💊 or 10 @

chronic illness or dis-ease

• after it presents •

vp- to be waltz

needs to stop eating


get sugar • processed •out of the lunchroom

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... western medicine's template play book :

toss a 💊 or 10 @

chronic illness or dis-ease

• after it presents ur new vp- to be waltz

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