To describe seniors with this - "while apparently oblivious" - is so unkind and thoughtless. How many seniors can read their EOC or have a choice in many areas to not choose Medicare Advantage? It's a deliberately complicated, nearly unreadable treatise and apparently just fine with the powers that be.

Also - maybe I missed it but where is your advocacy for a universal plan that would eliminate insurance companies for the most part. Where's Biden's actual plans to do more than blather about every American is entitled to bla, bla, bla. You call out the Republicans, which is fair, but where are those Dems?

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What you ignore Barbara, Is that EOQ’s are Industry PR. Have you ever tried to move off of Medicare Advantagr to go on Traditional Medicare instead ( where providers follow the rules). Your remark strikes me as reflecting the pro Medicare Advantage propaganda that is in the Mass Media to counter the valid criticism of flagrantly placing profits over the health of Seniors. Maybe it is your condescending tone that disturbs me. You are entitled to your opinions, but facts speak to truth.

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Excellent article.

We need to continue the work to spread this information far and wide.

Mark Brakke


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When I was in the doctor's waiting room, I watched the clerks deny care to an elderly woman, who looked very ill. Her son was told that they would not take honor her Medicare Advantage Plan. He was horrified because he had asked them about his mother's health insurance when he made her appointment for her. He was under the impression that the doctor would honor her insurance provider. He kept telling them that he paid her premiums every month for her coverage.

I fear that we will keep witnessing the is scenario over and over again, if the Medicare Advantage market continues to grow.

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I don't think you have to be a genius to ask yourself...how do these commercial health insurers provide all of these extras (gym, $$ to spend at CVS, transportation, etc) for LESS money than traditional Medicare+a supplement? The answer is, they pay the providers less, and eventually, those providers won't accept the plan. Meanwhile, the insurers are pocketing unused premium money (e.g. taxpayer dollars). They are in the business of making money for their shareholders - which I get. But their priorities are not in favor of senior's healthcare. I did a lot of research before we signed my husband up and then talked to a broker - she immediately assumed we'd go with an MA plan and her talking points were heavily in favor of MA. We went with traditional Med+a supplement (at least for now...at some point, that supplement could be so expensive it will be unaffordable). I have a lot of worry that although we have a very nice nest egg for retirement and have planned a long time, we are going to get screwed in a few years with everyone else. I just read Moffit's highlights and he used the word phrase "outdated traditional Medicare"....stopped reading.

Thanks for covering and writing about these issues Trudy!

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They will NEVER stop. They can Will their power to their progeny. We are all slaves.

There are 500+ right wing think tanks employing 5000+. I can smell the ink drying.

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One of the biggest promoters of Medicare Advantage plans is Dr. Phil who makes it appear that he is devoting time on his show to promoting Medicare Advantage plans in an effort to help seniors. It's a slap in the face to seniors as he is aware of the plans of the Heritage Group and is shamelessly promoting the cancellation of traditional Medicare.

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I detest that POS doctor pill, he's just a bald Jerry springer

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I think this the start of facisim and will only hurt those of us who wish nothing but bad things for the crazy Christian nationalist, you are un-American and despicable and you are going down.

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