I think most of us know about the evils of Big Pharma. What we need now is action to enjoin New York City from throwing retirees under the bus with a cheap Medicare Advantage plan.

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What we need is single payer in NYS https://www.nyhcampaign.org

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The proposed 4% tax on stock buybacks is well intentioned but misguided. Instead, progressives must unite around a multi-pronged public information campaign. Its aim: to pressure the five members of the Securities and Exchange Commission to rescind Rule 10b-18, the so-called "safe harbor" rule that gives corporate criminals a get-out-of-jail-free card for perpetrating the blatant fraud of buying back their own shares — a sham transaction that (by definition) has no legitimate business purpose. Wendell Potter is right: this money should go back to you and me.

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There is definitely some opportunity for corporate tax reform. I also suggest reforming some of the policies around health related organizations - insurers, med tech, administration, providers, etc. to incent coverage and care delivery at a lower cost. Health care has become a vehicle for wealth acquisition, i.e. private equity, venture capital, for-profit organizations and the investors in that space.

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Most of us have health insurance? Really? I'd be curious to know how it has served anyone except the insurance companies. As for Medicaid - try filling out their paperwork, getting taken off and put back on if you make more than a pittance. This isn't insurance - it's all-American extortion and we do it so well. A kind of sanction at home.

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Thank you for reporting on this!

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