These “congressional hearings” are not to garner information and facts… they appear to only be an opportunity to grandstand and twist facts to a political end… so frustrating…

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Sen. John Kennedy has been in office for way too many years, and he does not represent his constituents or even understand the complex issues related to Medicare (dis) Advantage and its overcosts, denial and delay of patient care and services to American Seniors, who were bamboozled by faulty advertising by the private insurance companies PR/Advertising firms, who sold us on a false narrative on how Medicare (dis)Advantage actually works.

We, the patients and Medicare (dis) Advantage policies are exceedingly alarmed at and angered by the outright self-serving collusion between Members of Congress and the private insurance firms that have long resisted following the rules and laws related to Traditional Medicare. It is time to stop spreading misinformation when this issue comes up for review annually. It is high time for Members of Congress to LISTEN to the VOICES of their Constituents who have experienced being denied, delayed care and the overcoats to the Medicare Trust Fund. American for-profit Healthcare has failed miserably, not because the myth that Government cannot run a business competently, but because these big monopolistic insurance companies deliberately ignore the rules, and there is weak auditing of the systems in place, due to cost cutting of administrators to those nonprofit organizations that investigate cases for the Centers for Medicare Services. The lack of integrity and unwillingness to do anything more than piecemeal bandaids is one major reason that educated, hard working, Americans are cynical or apathetic that change is possible, or they are angered at the incompetence and lack of integrity of our systems. Who do you folks represent? Forprofit companies or We The People who vote? Get to the fixing the root causes permanently, and do it NOW!!!!

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Well said

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I'm a traditional Medicare subscriber. In 2023 I spent 5 days in the hospital, had numerous screenings and blood tests, and had two stents placed in the arteries leading to my heart. I went to the best hospital, and had a top notch surgeon perform my heart procedure. I did not pay a single penny except for prescriptions. and those were affordable.

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Classic misrepresentation of the facts by Sen. Kennedy. The health plans are crying about STAR ratings and premium increases from CMS in the public and on earnings calls. The reality is that profits at MA plans are at their highest - and remember traditional Medicare spends >97% of the premium dollars on patient care. The MA plans get to call alot of administrative work as "patient care management" - and only have to hit 85% of their spending on patient care.

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I wonder how much private for profit health insurance companies spend annually on lobbying and advertising.

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Gee, that rising number of people in Advantage plans couldn't have anything to do with ACO REACH, could it?

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