This is good progress for improved costs of medications. Greater expansion and control over Big Pharma’s pricing business strategy is imperative to keep the greed out of the competitive market.

More importantly is to bring these greedy Medicare (dis) Advantage private insurers under tight scrutiny for denying care to patients, delaying care and bilking the Medicare Trust Fund out of $140 Billion by fraudulently making patient records look more severe than they actually are. 10,000 Americans die every year as a result of these atrocious illegal business practices, that our Congress and Senate leaders continue to ignore like the three monkeys who “Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil, See no evil as they continue to coddle suck on the tests of the Health Insurance Lobby. These politicians have no sense of integrity and they certainly are definitely serving the interests of the private healthcare insurance industry, but NOT representing the healthcare NEEDS of their constituents, who are sick and tired of our broken health care system. I don’t want words and excuses. I want to see significant reforms in place for the 2025 calendar year. The inertia in Congress must end now and greedy executives of these key Medicare (dis)Advantage companies need to be held criminally responsible for so many unnecessary deaths as well as holding up treatment by making all appointments requiring pre-authorization and other delaying tactics that are unethical and frankly demonstrate how ruthless and amoral these companies have become as monopolies. Patients need a Tangible and enforceable Bill of rights as paying customers for their overly expensive policies. More, not less administrative regulation is imperative when these powerful companies glaringly flaunt Medicare rules to make gross profits off of patient suffering.

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Any ideas about choosing GoodRX as a plan to combat greed?

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I've been looking for a better RX solution, and this does not appear to be it. The one-star reviews are consistently terrible, and I don't want to be associated with these problems. However, I would like to hear an explanation from Mr. Srinivasan and what he's doing to remedy these failures for future consideration.

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Enlightening, thank you.

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