Medicare Advantage was pushed hard during the George W. Bush administration. It's further shoveling of billions of public dollars to private entities, all of whom seem to me to be more concerned with lining their pockets than with delivering comprehensive, prompt care to their enrollees. I will stick with Traditional Medicare plus a Medigap plan. I'm happy with Medicare and despise the undermining of it by private interests.

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Unfortunately, it's not JUST the "private interests," that you and every other retired American are fighting!

With Citizens United, one whole political tribe and tragically, too many Democratic politicians have signed on to the destruction of Traditional Medicare. Even president Biden hasn't stopped the eventual blow up of Medicare being privatized completely.

I belong to a group called PNHP.org though I'm not a medical pro at all.

I'm just a concerned citizen who sees clearly, unlike the vast majority of Americans, what rocky road Traditional Medicare is on.

Every year, private Medicare (Dis)Advantage plans steal between $80-$120 BILLION from OUR Medicare funds. OUR OWN TM fund.

That's NOT good! And the greedy private "Healthcare" insurance CEOs are wanting even more...and only a small group of Democrats in congress are actually trying to fight back.

If you love TM and want to preserve it, expand it, doing nothing won't help. Get involved as we all should. Look into this group and see what they are doing. We are up against a Goliath.

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The only way to stop this insanity is to vote!

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...for profit 'medicare' =

15 minutes social worker...

2 hours home care / wk...

used broken hospital bed...

md who abandoned me...

got out of that racket...!

...back to my federal plan!

(into which i paid

for 45 yrs) !

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In 2024 all University of Michigan retirees were FORCED into a Medicare Advantage plan. Before, we had traditional Medicare and supplemental and drug plan from U of M. Now, no choice. Apart from everything else, I consider it an issue of free speech. We are forced into a political/ideological plan that we do not support.

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I want and wish all Americans need to read this!

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This will continue until trump dies, perhaps forever.

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The problem, Dave, is this policy didn't start with Felon 45 and won't stop just because he is gone!

The destruction of LBJ's beloved Traditional Medicare program has been part and parcel of ALL Rethuglicons plans for decades--since it was made law.

Understand that 45 is just a puppet. He's just their cult leader. It's the entire Reichwing tribe that is our enemy.

920 pages in Project 2025 promises that.

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