Powerful. They must spend half of their dolllars on Joe Namath ads 🙄

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Thanks for the info. Some of us heard about Medicare dis-Advantage… And lots of them didn’t. I’m going to post the video that was within this report on Facebook.

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I really appreciate this newsletter - thank you! I have a question based on this statement: "The essential problem is that the average person in traditional Medicare is sicker than someone in a Medicare Advantage plan—the research shows that when patients get sick, they leave Medicare Advantage for traditional Medicare if they can."

We just recently signed my husband up for traditional Medicare + supplement so I don't have any direct experience with MA (except to say that we did our research and decided MA wasn't for us). But I understood that once you 'go MA', it's very difficult to switch to traditional Medicare + supplement as the supplement company will then underwrite you and can charge very high premiums? Is this true...anyone with experience on this?

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Hi, yes, it is true. I covered this issue last year: https://prospect.org/health/2023-11-29-medicare-advantage-trap/

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Thank you. It is hard to believe that Obamacare completely overlooked Medigap policies - it's criminal, frankly. Also interesting that there are 4 states who don't allow underwriting for Medigap. Will add to my To Do list to reach out to my PA Congressman and Senators.

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The 4 states that do not allow medical underwriting for Medigap policies when a person chooses to switch from MA to traditional Medicare are NY, ME, MA and CT.

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Hurry - here in PA we will soon have one senator and Connecticut will have three. Senator Casey would have cared about this.

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It's a very well-done piece. The supplemental benefits are no more than a marketing scheme since it doesn't really cost the plan anything to provide a benefit no one uses.

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And anything a subscriber doesn’t use is gravy for the MA company. This should be disallowed!!

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...and they're moaning about not getting a big enough raise. SMH

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Thanks for providing desperately needed data and information. Appreciated! 🙏🏼

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