Medical Boards are another problem with our healthcare system, which is so, so broken

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So true, Chris, and it's worthy of a follow-up story.

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Back in 2017, Marshall interviewed me for my 2nd Opinion column on physicians being untruthful at malpractice trials and my own confession at a trial almost 20 years earlier. I respected his probing questions and his search for my evidence. Some time later, he read to me what he had written, and asked me if I wanted anything deleted or altered. I said NO, he had gotten it right...

But the media blitz infuriated the medical board in my state. I was prosecuted for "undermining the trust in the medical profession" and labeled as a felon who has committed perjury. Already retired, I simply returned my license to them and was reported to the national data bank...

Several years later, we had an email conversation where we both noted that the medical board people never denied that physicians ever lied under oath at trials or depositions, but targeted whistleblower physicians who exposed that hushed truth...

Marshall Allen was a mensch...

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Lars, thank you for sharing such a personal and powerful anecdote about Marshall. Whistleblowers are so vital to helping fix health care, and these brave folks need our full respect and protection. Marshall absolutely was the epitome of what he means to be a mensch.

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Well, I must admit that I was shocked to read this, as I was unaware that Marshall Allen had passed away! What a terrible loss. He was a warrior for real healthcare reform, an author whose book helped me (and I am sure many others) save literally thousands of dollars in unfair over-billing, and "a man with a plan" to inform We The People about the ugly underbelly of the American healthcare system. I want to thank him (posthumously) for his candor and honesty, and I wish to express my sincere condolences to his family. I am grateful that they will be carrying his cause and his legacy forward. We need you! May his memory be a blessing -- as was his life.

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Such heartfelt words, Squid. Many thanks for sharing them and helping honor the legacy of this extraordinary human whose legacy his widow Sonja is keeping alive! Wishing you a peaceful holiday.

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Marshall was and his legacy is the agent of change we need to catalyze our movement to build a better health delivery and financing system in the USA.

There is a growing faction of benefit advisors, solution experts and administrators that are following his path to create a more transparent and equitable system.

We have a lot to accomplish and there are so many people who need help.

Help support the Marshall Allen Project - your contribution can mean the difference between bankruptcy and paying a medical bill.

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Appreciate your perspective, Phil, especially how you quite accurately summed up that contributing to this project "can mean the difference between bankruptcy and paying a medical bill."

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Journalists like him come in a season. He inspired us all to not settle and do better with grit and honesty.

Massive salute 🫡

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A spot-on assessment, Ankur. Thank you for commenting!

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Thank You Bruce :)

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