Another person who has been shining a light on our health care system suddenly died yesterday from a heart attack - here is a nice comment that was published about Marshall Allen:

Marshall Allen: A Relentless Voice for the Little Guy

Dave Chase, Health Rosetta-discovering archaeologist

Healthcare Transformation Author & Speaker | Chief Archaeologist at Health Rosetta

274 articles

May 19, 2024

On Sunday, May 19, we lost an extraordinary man, Marshall Allen, a dedicated journalist and former member of the clergy, whose unwavering commitment to investigative journalism has left an indelible mark on the healthcare industry. His tireless work exposed the deep-seated issues within the healthcare system, shedding light on price gouging, sloppy billing, fraud, insurance denials, and unnecessary treatments that preyed on vulnerable Americans.

Marshall's passion for justice and transparency was not just a professional pursuit; it was a personal mission. As he described on his website, "I’ve spent more than fifteen years investigating the healthcare industry as a journalist, exposing the insidious ways the system preys on vulnerable Americans." His work was driven by a deep-seated desire to help individuals and employers understand and navigate the convoluted healthcare system, empowering them to overcome its injustices and win.

Allen's Impact on Healthcare Legislation

One of Marshall's most significant contributions was his year-long investigation into the health insurance brokerage industry, which culminated in the publication of a pivotal article on ProPublica. This investigation caught the attention of Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), who were seeking bipartisan areas of agreement. The insights from Marshall's work played a crucial role in the drafting and eventual passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA), regarded by many as the most consequential employee healthcare legislation since 1943. Marshall's reporting on the CAA's implications was instrumental in shaping public understanding and policy.

His piece entitled "Behind the Scenes, Health Insurers Use Cash and Gifts to Sway Which Benefits Employers Choose" directly led to the passage which he reported on in his follow-on piece entitled "Lavish Bonus? Luxury Trip? Health Benefits Brokers Will Have to Disclose What They Receive From the Insurance Industry."

"Never Pay the First Bill" and The Allen Healthcare Academy

Marshall's influence extended beyond journalism. His book, "Never Pay the First Bill," is a tremendous resource for patients navigating the complexities of the healthcare system. It equips families and employers with the knowledge and strategies to fight back against unjust medical bills and practices, promoting a sense of empowerment and advocacy. Additionally, Marshall edited healthcare books by Dr. Marty Makary, further cementing his legacy as a thought leader in the field.

After the success of his book, Marshall founded the Allen Healthcare Academy, a platform dedicated to educating and empowering individuals to take control of their healthcare experiences. This initiative reflects Marshall's enduring commitment to making healthcare more accessible and fair for everyone.

A Moral Mission Rooted in Faith

Marshall's faith played a significant role in shaping his character and work. In his New York Times piece, "The Biblical Guide to Reporting," he shared how his five years in Christian ministry enriched his journalistic practice, fostering a sense of compassion, integrity, and dedication to truth. What drove Allen's work was a profound moral calling rooted in his Christian faith. As he wrote, his years in ministry instilled in him "a sense of justice and empathy" that made him "a better journalist because I am a Christian, not in spite of it." It soured him to see people "getting beaten down by the system," and he made it his "personal mission to help individuals and employers understand the health care system and show how they can overcome the bullying and win." His faith-inspired approach to journalism endeared him to many and underscored his deep sense of duty to serve the public good.

Marshall Allen, RIP

Marshall Allen's legacy is one of courage, integrity, and relentless pursuit of justice. His work has not only illuminated the dark corners of the healthcare industry but has also inspired countless individuals to stand up for their rights and demand better. As we mourn his loss, we celebrate the remarkable impact he had on the world and take solace in the lasting changes he brought about. He will be deeply missed, but his contributions will continue to resonate for years to come.

One of the people Marshall was closest to as a friend and his editor was Marty Makary M.D., M.P.H.. Marty shared the following:

In his final hours, this is what I told him: Marshall, we watched you fight tireless for the voiceless and become a fierce advocate for the defenseless--a fight many will continue. At every step along the way, you reminded many of us of what's really important--that our treasure is in heaven, not on earth. Thank you my friend for being a role model to so many, a great husband, father, leader to your family and faithful child of God. We will miss you dearly. I love you brother. Friends, you can support his family by donating here: https://gofund.me/8f539269. Thank you!

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I think it’s important to understand what bought us to the current situation of consolidation in health care. None other than the PPACA. This problem more or may not have occurred had the government not became heavily involved in health insurance.

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I disagree with you totally. The Affordable Care Act has brought needed health care to millions who otherwise would have suffered for lack of care. The culprit here is, as usual, the insatiable quest for higher and higher profits to satisfy shareholders. How much is enough? The villain is the collective nature of our political system where those that can do something to rein in the greed - our representatives - are beholden, donation wise, to those very same shareholders. Health care delivery in our nation is the very definition of Laissez Faire economics; get as much as you can before the one next to you can get at it. In the end the system collapses and everyone loses.

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It’s a for profit system unchecked

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Our politicians drag their feet. Our healthcare is failing. The GOP has a focus on Trump rather than health of our people.

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The politicians are bought and paid for. Nothing will change as long as that remains the case

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Jim you clearly missed my point. No one can dispute PPACA didn’t accelerate consolidation. This was the consequence of this misguided legislation. They really didn’t need to recreate health insurance. All the needed to do is pass legislation that ushered in guaranteed issue with no limits on pre-ex. Then have a system that would calculate the respective subsidy, coordinating with health insurers thereby providing a net premium to the enrollee. This would have been more efficient than the monstrosity that was created.

That being said, yes overall PPACA offered an outlet for those needing health insurance. But the cost was far in excess of the alternative I have outlined above.

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