Kaiser Permanente has been doing exactly this for 80 years. They now serve 12 million people. Why no hue & cry before?

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Nice piece, Wendell.

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Wendell, thanks for what you do as always. You may have highlighted this in other recent articles, but this is missing another huge reason insurers buy up primary care. It's a way around the MLR requirement in their insurance business. United does this with Optum all the time. They pass a large portion of the risk and capitation to their fully owned medical group and that entity can make unlimited profits. They can run a 50% MLR in some cases.

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Why do experts applaud Kaiser Permanente, Geissinger and other integrated care management companies that take capitated risk but melt down when others try to integrate?

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Whats a PBM? SHOULDNT have to google it.

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You're going to need a lot of Nurse Practitioners...

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Where is the kickback? CVS/Aetna employed doc refers (or doesnt) to desired specialist? Unless primary care doc gets a bonus for actions such as those, or you consider savings to MCO, how does that constitute a kickback? There are specialists who receive Mcare now who spend a half day a week in PCP's office seeing DM or geriatric problems ("referrals"). No difference.

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