It wouldn’t matter if we all had personal physicians, access and outcomes would still be the same under the current government plan we have now, ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, more or less free and still the sickest developed nation on earth and spend more than twice as much. Medicare is a total failure, why would anyone want it? Oh that’s right we are forced to enroll.
Worst article (really, a straight up propaganda piece with NO FACTS AT ALL) ever published on this Substack. Obamacare RUINED MY LIFE. It wasn't enough that Barry and Joe took my house away to give to their banker buddies, but then they quadrupled my premiums and deductibles and made me uninsured for fourteen years. That was the reality of Obamacare for older self-employed single people in the expensive states.
So Jindal wants job “creation and low unemployment,” (WHY THE QUOTES, Trude?) and expanding affordable housing, reducing federal bureaucracy, cracking down on crime and illegal immigration, passing congressional term limits and ending foreign wars and reliance on China." Newsflash: most Americans want all of those things, too.
You know who DOESN'T want these things? The college-educated bicoastal elites, that's who, and that's clearly who this writer is concerned about. ALL THE RICH PEOPLE are against affordable housing, lest it threaten their precious property values (their GOD). All want unabated illegal immigration so they can have cheap nannies and gardeners who are afraid of deportation. All want an ever-expanding government bureaucracy so we can pretend unemployment is not a problem.
All LOVE the politicians they've been able to purchase and want them to stay in office forever, beholden to those in the donor class. All LOVE unlimited spending on wars and their sacred portfolios are heavily "invested" in killing poor people overseas FOREVER. All want cheap goods from China made by nonunionized labor with no environmental considerations whatsoever.
Thanks for reminding me why I will never vote D again. And for the record, I'm extremely well educated with a master's from a New York school that now costs $90K/year and I voted straight Dem for 28 years. I now hate the Ds with a passion, and writers like this make me puke.
Obamacare. Deductibles and copays so high that u could buy a car easier than getting care. The ins companies aren’t stupid. First those plans are targeted for higher denial and u may have insurance coverage but at the end of the day except for the freebies you are afforded you will be broke and insurance company will never let you get to that out of pocket amount where you are 100 percent covered.
This bill was $1T with a 't.' Let that sink in for a moment. A trillion. So, as taxpayers, we have every last right to demand that we not pay any more into this, as 2009 dollars went a heck of a lot farther than now and even now this would be a windfall for any program.
Most insurers are not obeying the ACA anyway at the moment. It's hit or miss if they cover wellness checks and they are not spending anywhere near the 85% of their income on patient care payouts. Repeal or don't repeal it- but as a country we failed. All that happened is that we gave a huge amount of money to private companies (operating with the full authority of the federal government to jail or bankrupt providers) for massive profit. WE paid for it, and THEY got rich.
I don't have a solution to offer because we are far too brainwashed as a populace to make this work. They have us completely fighting with our neighbors. So, carry on.
I lived in Louisiana while Jindal gutted the statewide charity hospital system. Louisiana used to have a system of nearly free hospitals for the uninsured. A friend of mine was treated for cancer for nearly $0 in one them. I see Jindal is still up to the same tactics of destroying public health infrastructure.
Stop scapegoating healthcare. We definitely have the right to healthcare. GOP always attacked the right to healthcare. This was designed as preventative care now GOP is suing to prevent using your insurance for preventative care. The fact is we need affordable preventative care why and who prevented it??? Republicans
No practitioner has prevented anything, just patchwork and RX. Over 10% T2D, 50% pre diabetic, over 50% IR, the only nation on earth where diabetes is the number one cause of blindness. They have done a lousy job when it comes to prevention.
You have a right to healthcare. Walk into any doctors office or ER. I don’t think you have a right to cost free health insurance, or insurance for which you pay no more than 8.5% of your income. The ACA capped subsidies at 400% of FPL AND required large employers (the For Profit ones!) and unions to pay tax on luxury insurance plans used to evade income tax. Congress in a bipartisan basis nah dogged that. The ACA has been warped by Congress and “enhanced” (aka COVID era) subsidies need to stop—they screw up the insurance market and add to our debt by creating another program we cannot afford and do not pay for.
So we have a problem. First we don’t know the true cost and maybe we should be saying no to some treatments because they don’t do jack shit other than line the pockets of for profit entities. The question is how do we as a country provide safe affordable healthcare for all?
We need a Single Payer Healthcare System just like many other countries have. We are the only country with a Private For Profit Healthcare System that Bankrupts thousands of people each year.
People have to be smart health care consumers and research prices before choosing providers, otherwise we keep lining the pockets of the big HC entities and costs go up for everyone. The Republicans in the House got broad bipartisan support for a bill to tackle high hospital prices (the biggest component of HC costs), but the Dem Senate has not taken up the bill. The American Hospital Association and other for profit special interests are too powerful. There ARE good ideas on both sides of the aisle, and the two sides need to work together. It’s a complex issue—we need serious legislators to tackle its many components.
Trying to tackle? MAKE IT ILLEGAL YESTERDAY. Don't accept their self-serving explanations that they're "trying." They're not trying AT ALL or it would have been a done deal decades ago.
Health care is not a trip to the mall or a scroll on Amazon. It's not about being a "smart shopper." There is as Laura has mentioned NO TRANSPARENCY regarding costs, and very few patients are in any position to judge the relative merits of any recommended procedures--especially when they're in the vulnerable state of being sick!
Ever heard of an asymmetrical market? it's where one side (always the seller) has a LOT more information than the other side, which is a tremendous advantage. Health care is the best example of that, and it's absolutely disgusting that we allow it.
Both parties are going in the wrong direction with healthcare. We don’t need a Private For Profit Healthcare System. We don’t need these Greedy Parasite Private For Profit Health Insurance Companies. Since the members of both parties basically work for their Big Donors, I don’t think we will ever have any real change to our healthcare system. It will always remain as it is Private and For Profit.
We are still the sickest developed nation on earth, all categories, spend more than twice as much as the next most expensive country, increased access to care from Medicaid and subsidies, but sicker than ever. Better outcomes when we don’t engage a doctor. ACA a total failure.
Medicare for all and stop the for profit mentality
It wouldn’t matter if we all had personal physicians, access and outcomes would still be the same under the current government plan we have now, ACA, Medicare, Medicaid, Tricare, more or less free and still the sickest developed nation on earth and spend more than twice as much. Medicare is a total failure, why would anyone want it? Oh that’s right we are forced to enroll.
Worst article (really, a straight up propaganda piece with NO FACTS AT ALL) ever published on this Substack. Obamacare RUINED MY LIFE. It wasn't enough that Barry and Joe took my house away to give to their banker buddies, but then they quadrupled my premiums and deductibles and made me uninsured for fourteen years. That was the reality of Obamacare for older self-employed single people in the expensive states.
So Jindal wants job “creation and low unemployment,” (WHY THE QUOTES, Trude?) and expanding affordable housing, reducing federal bureaucracy, cracking down on crime and illegal immigration, passing congressional term limits and ending foreign wars and reliance on China." Newsflash: most Americans want all of those things, too.
You know who DOESN'T want these things? The college-educated bicoastal elites, that's who, and that's clearly who this writer is concerned about. ALL THE RICH PEOPLE are against affordable housing, lest it threaten their precious property values (their GOD). All want unabated illegal immigration so they can have cheap nannies and gardeners who are afraid of deportation. All want an ever-expanding government bureaucracy so we can pretend unemployment is not a problem.
All LOVE the politicians they've been able to purchase and want them to stay in office forever, beholden to those in the donor class. All LOVE unlimited spending on wars and their sacred portfolios are heavily "invested" in killing poor people overseas FOREVER. All want cheap goods from China made by nonunionized labor with no environmental considerations whatsoever.
Thanks for reminding me why I will never vote D again. And for the record, I'm extremely well educated with a master's from a New York school that now costs $90K/year and I voted straight Dem for 28 years. I now hate the Ds with a passion, and writers like this make me puke.
It’s designed to protect profits of a few
It sure is and it sure does. And my nurse friends are among the people who understand this best.
Obamacare. Deductibles and copays so high that u could buy a car easier than getting care. The ins companies aren’t stupid. First those plans are targeted for higher denial and u may have insurance coverage but at the end of the day except for the freebies you are afforded you will be broke and insurance company will never let you get to that out of pocket amount where you are 100 percent covered.
What insurance if any provides 💯 coverage and does GOP pass bills so you are covered 100%
Medicaid recipients receive free, 100% medical care and they are the sickest population. So free medical does not equal better healthcare.
Let's take a giant step back for a moment here.
This bill was $1T with a 't.' Let that sink in for a moment. A trillion. So, as taxpayers, we have every last right to demand that we not pay any more into this, as 2009 dollars went a heck of a lot farther than now and even now this would be a windfall for any program.
Most insurers are not obeying the ACA anyway at the moment. It's hit or miss if they cover wellness checks and they are not spending anywhere near the 85% of their income on patient care payouts. Repeal or don't repeal it- but as a country we failed. All that happened is that we gave a huge amount of money to private companies (operating with the full authority of the federal government to jail or bankrupt providers) for massive profit. WE paid for it, and THEY got rich.
I don't have a solution to offer because we are far too brainwashed as a populace to make this work. They have us completely fighting with our neighbors. So, carry on.
I lived in Louisiana while Jindal gutted the statewide charity hospital system. Louisiana used to have a system of nearly free hospitals for the uninsured. A friend of mine was treated for cancer for nearly $0 in one them. I see Jindal is still up to the same tactics of destroying public health infrastructure.
Public health is so important.
Private for profit health insurance companies gain wealth mostly with corporate welfare.
Corporate welfare must be directed to health providers and communities.
Stop scapegoating healthcare. We definitely have the right to healthcare. GOP always attacked the right to healthcare. This was designed as preventative care now GOP is suing to prevent using your insurance for preventative care. The fact is we need affordable preventative care why and who prevented it??? Republicans
No practitioner has prevented anything, just patchwork and RX. Over 10% T2D, 50% pre diabetic, over 50% IR, the only nation on earth where diabetes is the number one cause of blindness. They have done a lousy job when it comes to prevention.
You have a right to healthcare. Walk into any doctors office or ER. I don’t think you have a right to cost free health insurance, or insurance for which you pay no more than 8.5% of your income. The ACA capped subsidies at 400% of FPL AND required large employers (the For Profit ones!) and unions to pay tax on luxury insurance plans used to evade income tax. Congress in a bipartisan basis nah dogged that. The ACA has been warped by Congress and “enhanced” (aka COVID era) subsidies need to stop—they screw up the insurance market and add to our debt by creating another program we cannot afford and do not pay for.
So we have a problem. First we don’t know the true cost and maybe we should be saying no to some treatments because they don’t do jack shit other than line the pockets of for profit entities. The question is how do we as a country provide safe affordable healthcare for all?
We need a Single Payer Healthcare System just like many other countries have. We are the only country with a Private For Profit Healthcare System that Bankrupts thousands of people each year.
Thanks for the civil conversation!
Yes thank you I am an RN you have no idea what I hear and know MDs that have solutions. Sadly politicians screwed this up
Are you MD’s ready to give up most of their income?
There isn't enough of us. Its the UnitedHealthcare and CVS/Aetna that need broken up
No matter what side your own we can all agree our healthcare has problems but works for oligarchs. It’s totally corrupt
People have to be smart health care consumers and research prices before choosing providers, otherwise we keep lining the pockets of the big HC entities and costs go up for everyone. The Republicans in the House got broad bipartisan support for a bill to tackle high hospital prices (the biggest component of HC costs), but the Dem Senate has not taken up the bill. The American Hospital Association and other for profit special interests are too powerful. There ARE good ideas on both sides of the aisle, and the two sides need to work together. It’s a complex issue—we need serious legislators to tackle its many components.
Good luck with that there is no transparency
You don’t have time in an emergency so many surprise bills. It’s a for profit system that works to line pockets
Agreed in an emergency you won’t be price shopping. Congress and states have been trying to tackle surprise medical billing . . .
Trying to tackle? MAKE IT ILLEGAL YESTERDAY. Don't accept their self-serving explanations that they're "trying." They're not trying AT ALL or it would have been a done deal decades ago.
Health care is not a trip to the mall or a scroll on Amazon. It's not about being a "smart shopper." There is as Laura has mentioned NO TRANSPARENCY regarding costs, and very few patients are in any position to judge the relative merits of any recommended procedures--especially when they're in the vulnerable state of being sick!
Ever heard of an asymmetrical market? it's where one side (always the seller) has a LOT more information than the other side, which is a tremendous advantage. Health care is the best example of that, and it's absolutely disgusting that we allow it.
Both parties are going in the wrong direction with healthcare. We don’t need a Private For Profit Healthcare System. We don’t need these Greedy Parasite Private For Profit Health Insurance Companies. Since the members of both parties basically work for their Big Donors, I don’t think we will ever have any real change to our healthcare system. It will always remain as it is Private and For Profit.
We have for profit everything
We are still the sickest developed nation on earth, all categories, spend more than twice as much as the next most expensive country, increased access to care from Medicaid and subsidies, but sicker than ever. Better outcomes when we don’t engage a doctor. ACA a total failure.