The only solution is for the US to implement a Single Payer Healthcare System like many other countries have. There should be no role for the Private For Profit Health Insurance Companies in Healthcare. There should also be no role for Employers in Healthcare.

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Thank you for that fine report and tribute.

It's nice to hear about someone with influence battling for the public.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22

This article speaks of the "spin" put on by those who wish to oppose the ACA. It also speaks of the big health insurance businesses that want to protect their respective business models. So I ask, what did the ACA do to curb the spin or limit the abuse of the largest of companies? Spin will always be a part of our fabric and society - ALL sides spin to win.

My take as a small business owner in the Midwest- the ACA or "Affordable Care Act" failed its name for myself and the millions in my shoes. Small business owners (self-employed) have never had real opportunity at "affordable" health insurance. So we cobbled together as best we could. I will say also for the most part we did our utmost to take care of our health so as not to need to use medical care. The ACA did not make healthcare affordable - much the opposite. It caused many health insurance providers to cut and run. Many reasons for that I am sure, but the end result is fewer offerings so that is the first problem as that gives much leverage to the big players that bought market share. Lack of competition is very elementary in capitalism. Size, strength and limited competition always ends with higher costs for the consumer. Next it caused the same growth in the medical provider field - local doctors and other processes and procedures have nearly all been bought out by fewer and fewer chains of hospitals, both private and NFP. (NFP in the medical provider field is (IMHO) an oxymoron)

Again, when this happens less competition and larger bloated enterprises raise the cost of the most basic of care. This was a double hit for myself and the many in my same shoes. It drove me out of health insurance and sought out other methods. But the Cost of medical care has far outpaced the cost of living. And the cost of health insurance has far outpaced the cost of living.

The ACA forced me first to high deductible plans - accepting a much much greater risk. This soon became also unaffordable on the monthly payment side so a different solution was sought and found.

So while the winner, winner chicken dinner person was likely someone already on some type of government payout form, and then others who are ok to scam (IMHO) the system through deception can also win a low payment for the "health insurance", only the very wealthy can really afford the actual care. So IMHO the ACA is wrongly named - NO spin, only the reality of what I have lived through and continue to live through. There is nothing affordable in healthcare, not the care and not the insurance to protect against the cost of the care. And please don't tell me that single payer will fix all that - it is a proven fact that when the government steps in........ it will cost more.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

I believe expanded and improved Medicare For All is the answer.

The Billions of dollars in profits to private for profit health insurance companies can go to care providers and communities.

Employers and state retirement systems are not required to insure our possessions. I suggest having employers in our health care has caused the confusion and extreme healthCOST.

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When you say Medicare For All, I hope you mean Bernie’s Medicare For All, which is actually Single Payer Healthcare. The problem with the current Medicare, besides excluding Eyes and Dental, is that you have to purchase Gap Insurance to cover the 20% that Medicare does not cover. Currently I pay around $220 per month. So, my total cost for Medicare, Gap Insurance, and Plan D is over $430 a month. Many people would not be able to afford it.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Yes I will support Bernie’s ideas regarding healthcare costs.

I pay $40 a month. Coverage type is Medicare Supp High Deduct G. I pay zero premium for part D.

Check with Pima council on aging for advice or your local council.

Does anyone really understand part D other than private for profit health insurance lobbyists and Big Pharma.

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