I'm still not convinced Democrat appointed judges would be much better, although they probably are slightly better. True we've gotten slightly better FTC enforcement from Biden-appointed Lina Kahn, but Democrats are also trying to cut the FTC's budget by 20%. Voters should avoid both these terrible parties.

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Potter has laid out a bread crumb trail that goes through the woods and over the mountain, but does not involve any mention of Obamacare, MSSP, ACO related relaxation of standards from 2010? Potter is usually on top of this. The vertical and horizontal consolidation successes started in 2010, not in 2017. ...and it is the bureaucrats not the electorate that is to blame. But yes, patients (which is all of us one way or the other) are hosed.

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Our two party system does not serve us well, but it’s what we have. Both party organizations are bloated, entrenched, out of touch, and corrupt. However, to vote for a third party candidate or to not vote at all is giving up any agency one possesses in the political process.

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I agree that we should be pragmatic about how to achieve our goals as a people even if the system is bad. However there is also immense power in not voting, and rejecting the system outright.

Vote boycotts are relatively common throughout history and even today (there was a mass boycott last year in Serbia). Many democrat voters are boycotting over Biden's support for his continued support of the Gaza genocide. I don't think we're quite at that point where there could/should be a mass boycott effort, but I don't see how else we're going to get things like increased minimum wage, free healthcare, paid family leave and less military spending that almost everyone supports. With how much money there is in politics these things are just about impossible now-a-days.

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Several inaccuracies here about precedents that were set pre- 2016 (not that this excuses McConnell's and Nichols' behavior) and due to the extreme bias here I won't try to point those out, but I've been saying for awhile- look at it this way: we now have single payor. It just happens to be United Healthcare. The goal was to get everyone in medicine paid less, right? Mission accomplished.

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Really?!? Politics? 🤮

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Why would something like an acquisition or merger be decided by a judge? What does a judge know about business to decide whether a corporation will do all it promises? It boggles the mind! Healthcare is a joke and a scam in the USA.

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Convinced or not please vote Biden and Blue. Working for democracy and expanded and improved M4A is progressive.

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deletedApr 9
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I am still so bitter about the Democratic Party throwing all its weight behind HRC. At the time there were many Never-Trump Republicans, but they all despised Hillary. I received a questionnaire from D Party post-election that seemed to want views on the type of candidate I would support. I returned it only with the comment that it’s platform and policy first that I’m voting for. The only reason I’m still a registered Dem is that I live in a closed primary state.

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