Socialism may not work for industries that are better served by the market, but one thing government does better than any private industry is health insurance. Government is often attacked by conservatives who believe that their rights (gun, for example) are threatened and that individuals are better motivated than the public sector to accomplish good things. Private companies should butt out completely from health insurance..

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You are suggesting that the government would make a better steward than a private health insurer. While I won’t argue that point, how can you have faith that their motives for thoughtful, yet efficient and financially responsible, management will be better. The question is really about what the stewardship should look like. Best outcome and cost-efficient aren’t mutually exclusive. Rather, getting insurers out of the business of pricing (via network contracts and discounting) would help solve this. Reformation of prior authorization is a must. It’s chief aim must be to leave no patient in symptom.

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American healthcare is terrible. It is unfair, unequal even if you have health insurance. We need national healthcare or Medicare for all.

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Living with MS I’ve been caught in this vile pre-auth trap many times.

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thank you for all that you are doing now that you could not previously. It inspires. We need to let MDs do real health care again and assuming we can eliminate the profit driven mess we are in now for 'sick care insurance' let the costs be paid for by all of us.

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I mean, I’ve had exceptionally good luck shit posting cigna. Let me build a relationship that led to the national approval of a treatment for OCD... on the other hand, my “ calls to action” free, united, healthcare have been met with utter in total disregard, and my attorney general backed legal complaints similarly.

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