We need proper execution of the Medicare Advantage regulations to force the insurers to take care of patients as they promised to do instead of billing the Medicare Trust Fund and the American Taxpayers. Patients who want to switch back to traditional Medicare should be able to without any penalties. Those costs should be borne by these monopolistic private healthcare insurance firms, along with a complete overhaul of these companies by punishing the CEO’s and other executives who have caused the deaths and prolonged illnesses of patients who have been denied and delayed care. These abuses in the name of profiteering are in violation of Human Rights. Finally US lawmakers deserve some of the blame for the abuse of corruption — taking bribes (aka donations) from these insurance carriers. They are not representing their constituents and that swamp needs to be drained. Mandatory Citizen based oversight of the Ethics Committees needs enacting to weed out crooked politicians.

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We need a No Flouting law.

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