With Expanded and improved Medicare for All we will have peace

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Medicare Advantage isn't making the profits it had hoped for and expected, but then there's never enough for the greedy. Upcoding and denying claims using artificial intelligence results in more premature deaths and fewer on Social Security. Health is a commodity to be exploited.

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That old saying "Vote as though your life depends on it -- because it does," surely applies here. Trump will try to pull the metaphorical rug out from under us, and then we'll all have broken hips and no coverage.

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Billionaires own us all. We are tech slaves. They impudently take what they want.

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The 5000 page ACA bill was passed with one vote at midnight on Xmas eve, with virtually no one reading it! It was passed based on lies from the president and even the architect of the plan said”if it wasn’t for the stupidity of the American public this bill would have never passed.”

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The ACA was a poor solution, just like the Missouri Compromise of 1820.

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This post angers me. Healthcare was not a top topic this election. Parts or a part of it was highlighted.

I blame myself as well. Because even being an unknown I know enough to have added my point of view with research and statistics.

Healthcare should be the primary public topic going forward.

I am nervous about how things will turn out this election.

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Doing let the looters convince you that "people have to be helped.". Health insurance is already nationalize and the small, agile players, run out of business. The game now is not health insurance, but milk at much out of Obamacare as possible. Hey these Gladys Kravitses out of office while there is still time to info this abomination. Government can't DO anything. Government programs only make the situation worse.

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