Wendell Potter, these are all interesting suggestions, but the only solution is to get a national Single Payer health care system for everyone. The health insurance companies don't need to exist!!! Medicare doesn't use them!! Eliminate that entire industry and enormous savings, less hassle, and a simplified system would provide much better health care. Enough of your 5 points! You should be stomping the grounds for national Single Payer!

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We at Be a Hero have been fighting for these very changes for years now. We have a large membership base that can post their Medicare (Dis)Advantage stories, sign petitions, watch or even record a video about their experiences, ask their legislators to help us achieve these goals and to sign or endorse particular actions that we hope will result in these chnges and even join a facebook group to communicate with one another. To join us and learn more go to volunteer@beaherofund.org.

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"Ever wonder why grandma and grandpa get so many spam calls targeting their health conditions? This practice has a lot to do with it. And there’s bipartisan support in Congress for banning sales of beneficiary contact information."

Of course, this is a good idea. However, a little enforcement of the DO NOT CALL law would go a long way to protect many seniors (and others, of course) from these calls. There seems to be NO ENFORCEMENT WHATSOEVER against those who violate the "Do Not Call" law and many robo-callers "offer" the option of getting added to their companies' supposed "Do Not Call" lists, which are probably just another scam (which we are advised to avoid.)

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