Thank you for your courage and conscience, Mr. Potter! I recall your testimony and am grateful to you for speaking out about the many abuses of the highly profitable health insurance industry in this country.

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Thank you for your bravery and sharing your story.

May Big Insurance and Big exploitation crumble. May we build more humane societies with the rubble.

May the bridges I burn light the way.

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Thank you

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We have wealth care not health care.

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I'm so grateful you became a conscientious objector and whistleblower! The video of your testimony was a vivid reminder of how long you have been fighting for what's right. Without you, it's unlikely we would see any of the small but meaningful gains in recent months toward real reforms. As a Medicare recipient whose family members have had serious illnesses (like cancer) and who's about to undergo a total knee replacement, I am deeply grateful. Please continue to fight the good fight, sir, and know that you and your efforts have more support now than ever. Be well!

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Jun 28·edited Jun 28

Holy balls! What in the licensed to preform racketeering world is going on hear?

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