As UnitedHealth executives face Wall Street analysts tomorrow, the stakes are high — not just for the company’s stock price, but for patients, doctors and the future of American health care.
"Utilization management." It includes bonuses and other incentives to DOCTORS to toe the insurance line. Unholy (but unfortunately actually legal) sharing of capitation money.
This call today,January 16, failed to thank taxpayers for the enormous amount of dollars in corporate welfare given to UHG that booted their profits. The executives did say UHG expects more corporate welfare in coming years.
Perhaps all of these greedy titans-of-what-should-not-be-called-an-industry should join Bezos, Zuck, and Musk on the dais for next week's inauguration . . . after all, it is de rigueur now, to flaunt your obscene wealth, especially if accumulated through immoral, underhanded, and deceptive business practices. All hail the Oligarchy (or is that "heil?") After all, who needs actual health care, when we have these shining stars to light our way? Greed is good again (same as it ever was, same as it ever was . . .), and we shall die with a smile on our lips and a song in our hearts.
It isn't just United Healthcare. It's all of the health insurance companies. It is especially the Medicare Advantage companies. Those "investors"? Call them out by who they REALLY are. Their correct label: OLIGARCHS. They are private equity. They are hedgefunders. They are the carrion eaters circling poorly regulated/unregulated capitalism to finish off the American Experiment and turn it into Putinland. Years ago I worked for a major west coast university and even back then when health insurance was a little better and the economy a little more viable, in an open public meeting one of the Board members not-so-jokingly - and actually proudly - referred to himself as a "vulture capitalist."
Years ago groups joined to sit in on similar meeting of Campbell Soup! Very effective, Got what we came for Saved future for the farmers growing their cu cumbers. Each of us legally attended via stocks shared from nuns who were very caring and smart. Surprised no groups now doing similar actions. More effective than shooting CEO!
"And speaking of expectations, the consensus estimate of analysts is that UnitedHealth will report earning $6.72 per share during the fourth quarter of 2024, which would be a growth of 9.1% over the same quarter in 2023, according to Zacks Investment Research."
You're doing God's Work here for the American people, Wendell, Thank You, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
I would subtitle this piece…. Chemo treatment vs stock earnings. Who decides.?
Maybe our health is based on something called care ratio according to UHG
"Utilization management." It includes bonuses and other incentives to DOCTORS to toe the insurance line. Unholy (but unfortunately actually legal) sharing of capitation money.
This “playbill” with pre-game analysis is pure gold.
How many people died for their profits?
This call today,January 16, failed to thank taxpayers for the enormous amount of dollars in corporate welfare given to UHG that booted their profits. The executives did say UHG expects more corporate welfare in coming years.
Just like food processors and distributors - and that includes major consumer grocery store companies.
Perhaps all of these greedy titans-of-what-should-not-be-called-an-industry should join Bezos, Zuck, and Musk on the dais for next week's inauguration . . . after all, it is de rigueur now, to flaunt your obscene wealth, especially if accumulated through immoral, underhanded, and deceptive business practices. All hail the Oligarchy (or is that "heil?") After all, who needs actual health care, when we have these shining stars to light our way? Greed is good again (same as it ever was, same as it ever was . . .), and we shall die with a smile on our lips and a song in our hearts.
The alternative spelling is indeed the most appropriate.
It isn't just United Healthcare. It's all of the health insurance companies. It is especially the Medicare Advantage companies. Those "investors"? Call them out by who they REALLY are. Their correct label: OLIGARCHS. They are private equity. They are hedgefunders. They are the carrion eaters circling poorly regulated/unregulated capitalism to finish off the American Experiment and turn it into Putinland. Years ago I worked for a major west coast university and even back then when health insurance was a little better and the economy a little more viable, in an open public meeting one of the Board members not-so-jokingly - and actually proudly - referred to himself as a "vulture capitalist."
Years ago groups joined to sit in on similar meeting of Campbell Soup! Very effective, Got what we came for Saved future for the farmers growing their cu cumbers. Each of us legally attended via stocks shared from nuns who were very caring and smart. Surprised no groups now doing similar actions. More effective than shooting CEO!
"And speaking of expectations, the consensus estimate of analysts is that UnitedHealth will report earning $6.72 per share during the fourth quarter of 2024, which would be a growth of 9.1% over the same quarter in 2023, according to Zacks Investment Research."