Thank you for writing about this. It’s a huge problem I foresee only getting worse.

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Another excellent article by a man of ethics and intelligence. Deeply grateful for your devoting your life to making health care affordable/available for all as a result of your life experience. You could've chosen a life of luxury and privilege but instead you chose to do what's right. A deep bow.

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The BIG 3 PBMs!

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It is because of the BIG # PBMs!!!

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Thank you so much! I am so happy to see people opening their eyes to what it truly is.

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Sure Jeffrey, Single Payer. Had to laugh that right behind the U.S. the other top 4 are:





All of the others have single payer systems. What an endorsement! Actually surprised the UK wasn't on that list with all the problems their National Health Service is having.

When government 100% control of health care then the bureaucrats will eventually decide who receives care and who doesn't. Bureaucrats are not elected their appointed or hired. Politicians will evade responsibility by just hiding behind the bureaucrats. I can just hear it; "Don't blame the problem is HHS and CMS!".

Be careful what you wish for! Hey Monte, will be viewing you You Tube posts.

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Actually I like what the UK has. The UK has a Socialist Healthcare System. The doctors, nurses, and everyone with a role in healthcare works for the government.

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You can't have a government run anything, much less insurance. Ask Boeing. That had complete government oversight. Ask the VA and Vista. That's EXACTLY what you are advocating and wasted $16 billion and accomplished nothing but churn. I can show you how to solve this problem without government. Go read my posts, here, or on YouTube.

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I will read your posts if I can find them. Please tell me your healthcare ideas are not Free Market Ideas.

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Wait, what? Government CANNOT do this. Look at Vista and the VA. Wasted $16 billion and got nothing. Smart people doing smart things are the only way to solve this problem. The government is not that. Maybe there is a third way of getting things done besides government and everything else?

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Get rid of CVS, Express-Scripts/Cigna, and UHG-OPTUM! These PBMs are criminals!

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We should really discuss the solution to this problem. I believe I have that solution.

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There is a solution for the US Horrible Private For Profit Healthcare System that Bankrupts thousands of people every year - it’s called Single Payer Healthcare. There would be no role for the Parasite Private For Profit Health Insurance Companies and there would be no need for Employers to be involved. This is the type of Healthcare System a lot of other countries have. Actually no other country in the world has a Private For Profit Healthcare System like the US has.

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Hey Jeffrey, as the government is so good at managing everything else, why don't we just advocate that government take over the pharmaceutical industry? How about producing autos, as this will assure complete conversion to electrification. Might as well have government take over all manufacturing, construction, the airlines. How about complete control of the economy. Command and control has worked so well historically.

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As I said in my comment no other country in the world has a Private For Profit Healthcare System like the US has. I have nothing against Capitalism, but it will not work with healthcare.

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You can't nationalize healthcare. Ask the UK and Canada.

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As you may have concluded, I support capitalism at all levels. However, do I think our healthcare delivery and insurance coverage is qworking? Absolutely not! That being said, I don’t trust government. These are the same bureaucrats who said social distancing was essential to stop the spread. That shutting down the economy for at least 9 months would stop the spread. That closing schools during COVID would save children’s lives, co-opted no less by the teachers unions. I could go on and on. What could possibly go wrong with government control of health care?

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Red Herring. Not applicable. The solution is you automate health insurance. Provide the practitioner with a free EMR and pay for procedures performed in real time. We have produced the EMR and associated ancillary applications. Charge the insured $10/month to house the data, and cut 50% out of the cost of health insurance. Not hard. Of course, big companies can't do anything but buy small companies and ruin them, so I provide this idea for free, having solved the problem and knowing they can not.

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