During Fireside chats the message is they want to help Americans get better. Meanwhile back at the fort it’s been shown that morbid obesity and being tied to a desk most of the day leads to many employees having diabetes, hypertension which leads to chronic kidney disease and heart problems and a host of other problems. Yet they won’t authorize weight loss medication like monjaro. They want to keep nickel and dime the problem and cause your worth more to them in meds and office visits but when you really get sick than they deny your hospital stay.

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Mr. Potter, a great article that I posted over to LinkedIn. It is incredible to me with what has happened in the vertically integrated market we exist in today, and the greed becomes even greater.

I read all of your articles and anything pertaining to big insurers and their affiliated PBMs goes to LinkedIn with my own added comments.

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Thank you WP.

Ages ago I did PR/Benefits for high tech companies. I saw things change...and not for the better. I've often wondered if 'we' should have stuck with the old (indemnity?) plans. No HMO, PPO, CRAPO, etc. I think folks kinda got lazy and were happy with "I only have a co-pay".

The actual costs of care disappeared into the ether. I filled out so many Insurance claim forms 40yrs ago...everyday stuff...(& ob/gyn...BABY, dental incl braces) that I still know my x's (his union ins) SS# by heart. Geeze! Now these PBMs etc are playing their games! Well, XXXX them!

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Great article. Thank you for this important information.

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Thank you. I am RN the system is totally broken

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