Mar 4·edited Apr 19Liked by Matthew Cunningham-Cook

What has happened to patient care? Everyone thinks the profiteering motive is something good, but there are at least 10,000 patients who die from readily preventable conditions because of denials of care, delays in care, and overcharging the Medicare Trust Fund to the tune of $400 billion dollars per year. Healthcare is a Human Right. Paying Patients are NOT EXPLOITABLE commodities to be discarded like trash. These are violations of what Medicare Advantage and Traditional Medicare are all about . The excessive Capitalism is an international embarrassment. Saying the USA has the World best medical care is a sick joke! Our politicians collaborate with the insurers, Big Pharma, not for our benefit, but for their own acquisition of wealth.

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Medicare Advantage is NOT capitalism. Capitalism is when both parties agree to the transaction. Not knowing the price is not capitalism. This is THE worst blend of big government and big business. The government gives permission for shady behind closed door dealings and gets paid handsomely for it by the resulting huge monopolistic businesses that have no competition. Higher education is another great example. Whenever big government and big business colludes, people lose.

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Part C is corporate welfare. Do you agree?

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I disagree with you. If you have read your Medicare Advantage Policy, they are and promised to follow all the rules of traditional Medicare. However, these corporations have been flaunting the rules now for as long as Medicare Advantage has been available. This is Capitalism gone rogue or wrong. When greed becomes the primary motive and objective and patients are only there to pay the bills then something is wrong with the Medicare Advantage System. If you have experienced being denied care for post operation recuperation, then you would understand that it is the private sector and loose rules established by the US Senate and House of Representatives that create roadblocks to improving the system. Personally, I'm willing to give MA a chance to clean up their act and start complying with the laws and rules of the Medicare Advantage Policy. If they fail to change, then we must go for a single-payer system more in line with Traditional Medicare and we should stop lying about huge corporations and their unwillingness to actually compete for the services they are supposed to provide.

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I am an RN and literally the system is totally broken.

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Unfortunately, saying the phrase “Healthcare is a Human Right” does not help. This leads people to believe healthcare should be free. Doctors need to be paid, nurses need to be paid, etc. We need to expect to have some skin in the game in terms of our fiscal responsibility. Medicare Advantage preys on the idea of healthcare being free. NOTHING of any value is free.

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Preventing is key.

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I know how to fix complex regional pain syndrome, its not a rare illness, it may happen after surgery or a heart attack. I don't want it to sound too simple.

But I have the thriftiest most effective protocol for pain. rivka.substack.com

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