We need to get serious about banning stock buybacks. They used to be illegal.

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Agree about stock buybacks. They should be illegal....but here is the thing....look at the majority of owners of cigna. They are for example vanguard....but that is not vanguard....that is people like you and me who own index funds in vanguard. Should vanguard, blackrock, or whomever get our vote? No! It's our money. Stop stock buybacks and don't give institutions stock votes who say "they are investing in stakeholders best interest". I am a stakeholder in my company and I do not want certain cost cuts, layoffs, etc. that these institutions claim to be in my best interest. My company will not exist in 5 years if "shareholders" keep getting what they want. Stop it now!

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If only Cigna would pay their employees appropriately!!

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We need to stop allowing for-profit insurers from bilking our Medicare Trust fun by denying, delaying patient care, and unscrupulous chargebacks. Costs don’t decrease in the Healthcare Sector and as a result patients are not receiving the care they deserve in their so-called Golden Years.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Thank you, Wendell.

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