
A note from a reader I was asked to share.

As a patient advocate and healthcare writer, I have long believed that healthcare insurance companies regard chronic patients as "loss leaders", and take active steps to deny them coverage even as they rake in Billions in profits. Despite high profits, nearly 28 million Americans remain uninsured. Insurance companies have been accused of prioritizing profits over patient care, with practices like underpaying reimbursements, inappropriately denying coverage, and requiring pre-authorizations for routine care.

We see these influences especially in pain care. The Injunctive Relief clauses of the US National Opioid Settlement of a few years ago have imposed a draconian system of quotas and sanctions against pharmacies that have resulted in widespread shortages of opioid pain relievers, ADHD drugs and others, denying legitimate prescriptions to millions of US patients in agony.

This is a profitable form of madness. It is time for price regulations and a single-payer insurance system that works first for patients and only later for profit.

Richard A "Red" Lawhern PhD

Patient Advocate

Twitter: @Lawhern1

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/red.lawhern

My Publications: http://www.face-facts.org/Lawhern

Personal Website: http://www.lawhern.org

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For those who are new to Red, he is a powerhouse and the foundation of support for many like me who suffer with incurable horrifically painful illnesses.

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Jun 27Liked by Jenn Coffey

Thanks Jenn. 😔🫂

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Jun 26Liked by Jenn Coffey

I am so very sorry you are going through this. I admire your courage and for speaking out for yourself, others and to expose these horrible health insurance polices.

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Jun 26Liked by Jenn Coffey

What is especially enraging is that these companies are turning ridiculous profits from OUR TAX MONEY. It's one thing if the consumer is making a choice to purchase a product and accept the contract, but it's quite another when all of our citizenry is forced with the threat of jail time to make United Healthcare et al the richest companies in the country.

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Dear Jenn, Thank you for your service and for your fight. It’s the power and determination of people like you that will help us fix the disgrace known as the American healthcare system.

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I will not sell Medicare Advantage policies due to the abusive claims practices of insurers.

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Medicare supp rates are prohibitive for those on disability. If an agent did not discuss the downfalls of MA plans such as prior authorizations then you could file a complaint with CMS and request a new open enrollment for your med supp

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I hear you but I can't tell you for certain one way or the other. Bottom line in 2015 I made a big mistake. At the time my life was a mess, I was so sick and pretty much living in a constant state of fear in and out of hospital. My head was a mess of medications and no sense of understanding much of what was going on around me. It's cost me everything. I want other people to be forewarned not to do the same. I'm personally working to change the law in my home state of NH so I can get a supplement without facing underwriting.

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We hear these horror stories, but why do our politicians continue down the road of corporate healthcare which is a pathetic joke if not criminal. I can't believe how much our Nation has devolved into a corrupt third world country with many of the same issues that plague real third world countries. It is disheartening and I am at the point of saying maybe I will move to Canada where people are still treated humanely.

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Jun 30Liked by Jenn Coffey

Unfortunately, these for profit evil private insurance for health companies are are now buying doctors and clinics and maybe even hospitals. The money needs to go to people who actually provide healthcare and to communities..

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Who prevented you from getting a med supp during your 6 month open enrollment when there was no underwriting? If an agent recommended a Medicare Advantage plan then you may have legal recourse...

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

Prevented me, my own ignorance. I had signed up for what I was told covered "everything Medicare" does. I believed it. When it was time to change plans again I was told it was to late and no one would sell me a supplemental. I believed what I was told, it shouldn't be able to cost me my life.

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Jun 27Liked by Jenn Coffey

They make their livings off our ignorance while doing all they can to ensure our ignorance. It's horrible. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and I applaud you for speaking up!

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I appreciate you sharing your story.

Many Arizona seniors are at such a disadvantage with -for profit health insurance companies & their lobbyists.

Arizona State Retirement System is committed to UnitedHealth a for profit private insurance company. (Dis) Advantage policies are corporate welfare because taxpayers hand over at least $12,000 annually for each and every person that chooses part c. These plans are not Medicare.

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